Koh Samui Super Strain

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Koh Samui Super Strain is not exactly a new strain, but a very good isolation of the original Koh Samui strain. It originates from the island of Koh Samui in Thailand.

This strain is a very good strain for a beginner, it has real vigorous mycelium that just eats up any sub. The network is so tight that when you go to pick them, they come off in giant clusters that cannot be pulled out individually. It can be grown on cakes, but does better with bulk. It is a very large producer, both in quantity and in size. It is not unusual to get a full tub of 10″ KSSS fruits on the first flush. This strain is meatier than most other strains, no matter what size fruit you have, its going to be dense and meaty all the way through; no more flimsy hollow stems.

As far as potency goes, we have all heard a cube is a cube, but for some reason everyone says PE is the most potent. Well this one is right up there with PE. Compared to at least 5 or 6 other strains that have been tried, 2g of KSSS does what an eighth of any competitor would do.

The trip that KSSS gives you is different from many others. It has a very very strong head high / confusion type of high that sets in first. Often you think visuals are not coming after 30 minutes of this strong head high, but then on a blink of an eye you are in full trip with uncontrollable visuals.

The Koh Samui Super Strain is an isolation of a mushroom strain that was brought back from the Koh Samui area of Thailand. This strain is reported to be slightly stronger than the average Cubensis, but not in the range of the Penis Envy Family. 

Koh Samui is considered to be the best party mushroom in Thailand and to honor their sacred mushroom they celebrate every month with a “Full Moon Festival”. Gives intense visual effects and an easy going feeling, bringing balance and positive energy to the consumer. 

This strain is ideal for beginners. The typical dose for most magic mushrooms is between 1 and 2.5 grams of dried mushrooms. 

CAUTION! It is strongly advised not to drink alcohol while taking magic mushrooms. That’s ANY kind of booze, yes even beer. If you are on any anti-depression medication you are best to be very careful with your dosage. Ironically, SSRIs (Selective Seratonin Re-uptake Inhibitors) tend to also inhibit the effects of psilocybin, often blocking the psychoactive effects of taking shrooms completely. 

Always keep your dried magic mushrooms in a dry and dark spot at or close to room temperature as exposure to either light or heat will reduce the effective amount of hallucinogens, while any moisture getting in can result in molds and other nasties contaminating your shrooms, making them dangerous to consume. So very important to keep 100% dry. 

***ALWAYS Keep out of the reach of children and pets.

  • A true white strain from Cambodia genetics even the spores are white on this true power house not exactly known who is responsible for this rare fungus.
  • Not much is known on the original growth of this strain but we do know it’s history is Cambodian by descent.
  • These effects can be mid level to very high and with great visual effects. It’s a sure shot to a amazing close eyed trip and one of the staffs personal favourites.
  • Dosage suggested use: would start at around 1-2 grams. 2 grams should be enough for most people to feel some effects, but nothing overpowering. A higher dosage would begin with 3 or more grams, and exceeding 4 grams can be quite the journey of a hero’s dose.


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